Indian Journal of Accounting
A-Bi-Annual Research Journal : ISSN-0972-1479
Call for Papers
Indian Journal of Accounting is an official publication of Indian Accounting Association. It is a blind reviewed refereed indexed journal published twice a year, in June and December respectively with an ISSN-0972-1479. The scope of journal encompasses all areas of Accounting including Corporate Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, finance and Information Systems.
Manuscripts should be addressed to
Prof. Gabriel Simon Thattil,
Chief Editor,
Indian Journal of Accounting,
Department of Commerce,
School of Business Management and Legal Studies,
Kariavattom Campus,
University of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram- 695581 Kerala,
Guidelines for Submission of Research Manuscripts for Publication in Indian Journal of accounting
- All submitted manuscripts must be original. Paper submission must accompany a certificate/ declaration by the author(s) that the paper is his/ their original work and has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.
- Manuscript must be in MS Word processor in Calibri font 12 pt font size on A-4 size paper with 1” margin from all sides with 1.5 line spacing, and justified.
- References should appear at the end of the paper printed in single space with 10pt font size. References should be listed as per the APA Citation Format latest Edition.
- The length of the paper should be limited to approximately 12 pages including references (as per the specified layout) excluding tables and figures.
- Tables, figures, etc. should be serially numbered and duly acknowledged. Sources of the data need to be given below each table or figure.
- All but very short mathematical expressions should be displayed on a separate line and centered. Equations must be numbered consecutively on the right margin, using Arabic numerals in parentheses.
- Papers should have an abstract of about 150-250 words.
- The cover page of the paper should contain-Title of the paper, Name of author(s), Professional affiliation of author(s), Address for correspondence with email and telephone numbers.
- The name of the author(s) should not appear on the manuscript to facilitate blind review.
- Editorial decision regarding publication will be communicated within a month from receipt of the manuscript.